Bibliography Resources Citing Sources & Photos
Bibliography Resources
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"Why do I need a bibliography?"
Many students come in to our library to do research. One of the most common things you ask us is "Do I have to do a bibliography? How do I do that?" Well, here's our tips about bibliographies - what they are and how to make them.
What is a bibliography (bib-li-og-ra-phy)?
A bibliography is a list of the books of a specific author or publisher, or on a specific subject.
Why do I need to make a bibliography?
A bibliography helps you know where you got your information from and it lets your teacher know you are giving proper credit for your sources of information.
What do I include in a bibliography?
You should list every source you use such as a book, a movie, a website, an interview or any information that did not come from you
Where do I put the bibliography for my assignment?
The bibliography goes at the end of your assignment. The title of this page should be Bibliography or Works Cited