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An online database is a source where a collection of pieces of information on various topics is organized. These "pieces" of information can originally come from different sources, like an encyclopedia, a magazine, a book, a webpage, etc.

Scholastic Go Logo on orange background

Interative maps, videos, news articles, built in dictionary and thesaurus, links to additional websites _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Culture Grams


Explore information on over 160 countries 


BrainPop Jr.


Brain Pop


Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology



Pebble Go


Earth & Space, Animals, Biographies and Social Studies



Pebble Go Next


        States, Science, American History, Social Studies


Tumble Books


TumbleBook Library is an online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach young children the joys of reading in a format they'll love.




Biography, Sports, Mythology, History, States, Countries, Animals and much, much more


Science Flix


Emphasizing the latest STEM thinking and the Next Generation Science Standards, ScienceFlix® is transforming the way students access science topics, acquire scientific knowledge, and build an abiding interest in science, technology, and engineering


Power Knowledge


PowerKnowledge Life Science informs and inspires learners about key life science topics including animals; classification; endangered and extinct species; food chains and food webs; green living; habitats and ecosystems; the human body; life cycles; plants; and survival and adaptation.